
Monday, May 7, 2012

I have amazing followers. :-)

I am currently going through my followers list for the first time in way-too-long, visiting every one of you who has a blog. I have been humbled and amazed! I've enjoyed making many new acquaintances, and I look forward to getting to know all you wonderful people better - new friends and old friends alike, in Hungary, Italy, America, Germany, Canada, Australia, or wherever you may be!

<3 Elise


  1. +JMJ+

    I just noticed you were back! I really missed this blog. =)

  2. Thank you! :-) I'm going to try and start posting regularly again. Really try, this time!

  3. Amen! We love having you back! I was so disappointed that just as soon as i discovered you blog you stopped writing! But I have read all your back posts and I look forward to future posts!

  4. THANK YOU so much for the follow, Elise! It is much appreciated. I have read your blog looong before I ever started.

    Thanks again - and I hope you stop in now and again. =)

  5. I'm SOOO glad you're back. Waaaay back in the day when I first started reading blogs, yours was one of the first - and now the whole blog world has changed so much...sometimes for the better, sometimes not. But I'm glad you decided to return instead of quit :P


I love comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts! And please, no swearing or anything else that might be inappropriate: bear in mind that I do have a lot of younger readers here.
