Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year's resolutions. . .
2. I WILL be organised. I WILL keep a diary.
3. (Actually I should have put this at No.1) I WILL make time for Bible reading/prayer/quiet time everyday.
4. I WILL keep my bedroom tidy. I WILL be neat and organised.
5. I will not buy any more books until I have read all the books I've bought/mooched and not yet read.
6. I will post on my Gallery at least once every day. I will post on this blog at least twice a week.
7. I will practise my music for at least one hour every day.
I'm trying to think of another 3 to make it 10. Never mind - 7 resolutions are more than enough for me to try (and fail) to keep. . .
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Hey, you! Yes, you!
Feeling starved of beauty in an ugly, postmodernist world?
Sick of being force-fed images of stick-thin celebrities by the media?
Tired of a fashion industry that upholds hideous emaciation as something we women should aspire to? (Not to mention trying to pass off bizarre and repulsive creations as "clothes" and "art".)
Fed up with ugly, abstract, modernist art? Ever wondered if the emperor is indeed naked?
Introducing. . .
My Other Blog. For your daily dose of timeless beauty.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas!
It's just occurred to me that I'd better write my "Happy Christmas" post now! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve here, and we're going to be busy all day!
May every one of you have a HAPPY and BLESSED Christmas, surrounded by family.
And remember the reason why we celebrate this holiday.
This is probably goodbye until next year! Until then -
"God bless us, every one!"
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Quick update
Love Aussie Christmas. . .
Monday, December 13, 2010
A Damsel's Daybook XVI
Outside my window....... A hot, steamy summer day.
I am thinking about......... Miss Wade. :-/ Trying to dissect and understand her character. Also about a couple of movies I recently watched (thanks, Rebecca!).
From the kitchen.......... Nothing right now. . .
I am creating......... Again, nothing at the moment!
I am reading......... Little Dorrit.
I am hearing....... How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack. :-D As currently featured on my playlist.
I am hoping......... That Australia's cricket team can pull their act together for the third test. . .
I am planning.......... To read and read and read over the summer holidays!
I am wearing............ Denim skirt, blue t-shirt. . .
Around the house.......... We recently set up the Christmas tree. . . we also had new blinds put in our main living area.
My wish of the week......... That I could continue to build stronger friendships with all of my siblings.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Dawn Treader is out in America!
Friday, December 10, 2010
I scored at the op-shop today!
Or thrift store, or whatever you call them in America, LOL! An armful of classics for $3! Now, to show off the spoils:
From top to bottom: Gone With The Wind, What Katy Did at School, Far From the Madding Crowd, The Eustace Diamonds, and an almost-complete set of the Bronte sisters' novels - only Villette and Wuthering Heights are missing.
The Bronte set are published by the Folio Society. The FOLIO SOCIETY!! And featuring beautiful woodcut illustrations.
Bound in silk *contented bibliophile's sigh*. . .
I am a happy girl. :-D
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader review
Oh boy. All those months and years of waiting over at last. I woke up yesterday morning. . . after a minute or two of semi-consciousness I suddenly remembered with a thrill - "We're going to see the Dawn Treader today!!!"
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
A Damsel's Daybook XV
Outside my window....... Sunshine, for the first time in about a week. We've just had one of the wettest Springs on record.
I am thinking about......... Lots of things.
From the kitchen.......... I made a double batch of Anzac biscuits today. On my mum's suggestions, I made them with freshly ground flour from our wheat grinder for the first time. Normally I dislike the results when I try substituting wholemeal flour for white flour, but the Anzacs turned out quite well.
I am creating ......... Planning on crocheting some snowflakes sometime soon. We'll be setting up our Christmas tree soon!
I am reading......... Getting back into Little Dorrit! I am making some progress at last - nearly 3/4 of the way through now. I also recently read this book. And this one.
I am hearing....... Siblings. A crow outside. Blue wrens. Sparrows.
I am hoping......... That I don't have to speak at the Church Ladies Breakfast in a few weeks time. I can think of few things I dread and dislike more than public speaking.
I am planning.......... To get organised and intentional and active! Inspired by this article.
I am wearing............ Denim skirt, blue cotton tunic top thingummy. Can you tell I'm not into fashion that much? I always have a hard time describing what I'm wearing.
Around the house.......... Lots of bustle and activity. We have guests staying with us at the moment - they have 6 young children! That makes 14 children in the house altogether.
My wish of the week......... That Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be as good as I'm hoping it will be. . .
Friday, December 3, 2010
Aussie readers - AOGG on TV Saturday night
Anne of Green Gables will be on TV tomorrow night (Saturday 4th) at 7:30 on Channel 7.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Disney Princess Month
I have been remiss in not posting this sooner! As many of you know, I love cooking, but my rather shocking memory can be a great hindrance in the kitchen. ;-) Burnt biscuits, wrong measurements of ingredients, leaving ingredients out - I can't tell you how many scrapes I've gotten into in my baking escapades. Well - my memory (or lack thereof) can also be a jolly nuisance when it comes to blogging, too.
Ahem, so yes, I meant to post about this a long time ago, but hey, better late than never!
In celebration of the release of Disney's latest "Princess" offering, Tangled, the team @ Worthy of Note recently hosted a "Disney Princess Month", featuring reviews of 13 Disney classics.
They are also considering having a "Shakespeare" month (partly in honour of the upcoming film version of "The Tempest"). This will be similar, I presume, to the Disney Princess month, only featuring reviews of Shakespeare film adaptations instead. Sounds like fun! I actually haven't seen that many Shakespeare movies yet. Part of what puts me off is the fact that the Bard incorporated a good deal of bawdiness in his plays, and naturally, modern filmmakers tend to play up that element of his works as much as possible! But there are a few Shakespeare adaptations that I would really like to see sometime, including:
As You Like It - partly because it has a couple of my favourite actors in it (Romola Garai and Alfred Molina), and partly because the poster just looks so darn gorgeous; Twefth Night - because Helena Bonham Carter is amazing; and Much Ado About Nothing - though I gather there are couple of scenes in this one that will probably warrant fast-forwarding through.
So - if you have a weakness for Disney Princess films (like yours truly), head right over here.
And about Shakespeare - any Shakespeare-based films that you love - or loathe?
Costume Chronicles
Just wanted to let you all know that the new issue of Costume Chronicles webzine is now available to download! I've been looking forward to this - the current November/December issue and next year's Jan./Feb. webzine are dedicated almost exclusively to Jane Austen and Austen adaptations. :-)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The wait is over!!!