Sunday, February 19, 2012

What I've been up to

Hi everyone!

I thought I'd give you an update on what I've been doing. . .

As far as online pursuits go: Tumblr. I have discovered how fun and addictive it can be. So addictive, that I recently decided to take a Tumblr sabbatical. (Any new posts published are from my queue.) I'll get back on again sometime - but I'll try to set myself a strict time limit per day. In the meantime, you are welcome to peruse my personal Tumblr blog if interested. I cannot guarantee that you won't run into occasional bouts of fangirling and silliness. (When I get slightly obsessed with something or someone - movie, book, artist, actor - Tumblr is my outlet). You have been warned.

In real life: my brother has started going to school. Yes, school! High school! Un-homeschool! It's a challenge for him, but he seems to be enjoying it so far, which is great.

I've done something I've been thinking about doing for years: signed up to volunteer at our local public library. I'll have my first day at the library next week.

My dear friend Anna Maria has recently left for uni. I will miss her. She is the only girl my age I know in "real life" who loves books as much as I do, and with whom I can discuss books for hours.

Small changes in the rhythm of life. People getting older, growing up. I'm going to be twenty next month. It's sobering - a quarter of my life, gone. Or a fifth of my life, if I live to be remarkably old.

What else. . . Oh, yes. My mother's blog is QUALITY. I mean, really. My blog, on the other hand is, um. . . yes. If you haven't yet had a look at my mum's beautiful photography blog, you really should. :-)

I hope you're all doing well, and I think there might be a few new posts soon. I think I've got the writing itch again.

And though I may not always be active here on my blogger blog, if you want to, you can keep up with me on: my Facebook page, Goodreads, and now occasionally Tumblr and Pinterest.


Rachel said...

Nice to hear from you, Elise!

The Editrix said...

Thanks, Rachel. :-)

God'sPoliticalTeenager said...

I am one step close to being convinced to making Tumblr >_<

The Editrix said...

You would have a blast on Tumblr. :-D