Wednesday, April 28, 2010

For admirers of L.M. Montgomery's heroines

That was fun! Thanks, Autumn.

Do the quiz, then tell me which heroine you are!

There's also an L.M. Montgomery heroes quiz. I did this one, too, picking all the qualities I like (or think I like, LOL!) in guys. :P My result was Gilbert Blythe. 


Enbrethiliel said...


You're lucky, Elise! I wish I could have had that result.

I'm Valancy, apparently! Until today, I hadn't even known who she was . . . =P

The Editrix said...

Hey, you're lucky, too! Valancy is the heroine from one of my favourite Montgomery novels - The Blue Castle! You need to read it! :-D

Theresa said...

heh, I'm Anne. Weird. "Charming, talkative and imaginative" - I can live with that! haha! Oh, and I came out as Gilbert too... but I was thinking about myself with that one, not about guys, haha! [apart from the handsome bit]

Unknown said...

I'm Anne :) Oh, I did the guy one too, and I was Gil :P Funny how these things turn out. My sisters all wanted to do it too: Leia was Anne, Titty was Jane and Marie was Anne. We also did the "How Anne are You?" quiz, and I was 80% Anne! Leia was 100%, and so was my mom.

Enbrethiliel said...


I've mentioned my results on my blog, and everyone who has read The Blue Castle has been effusive in their recommendations of it! It's not one of Montgomery's most popular titles, so I might have some trouble getting a copy, but now I really want to read it. =)

The Editrix said...

Jo March - wow, 100% Anne! That would be cool. :-D I was only 20% Anne. . .

Enbrethiliel - trust me, it'll be worth the effort to hunt down a copy of The Blue Castle. :-D BTW, I wrote a review of it a couple of years ago, which you can read here.

You can get it from Amazon here, or try ebay if you're an ebay-er.

Cinnamey said...


And you've been tagged!

FelicityKing said...

I took both quizzes. I'm Emily for a heroine and Teddy for a hero. I love Emily but have never cared much for Teddy though.

I'll 3rd or 4th reading "The Blue Castle." It is definitely a fantastic book!

Alexandra said...

I'm Anne in the heroines quiz (not surprising...;-)) and picking my fave qualities in guys, I got a Gilbert (which I didn't mind at all! ;-))