So, what have I been doing the last few days. . . yesterday morning I had a guitar lesson, and last night I was up at church for music practice, so it was a somewhat musical day.
Earlier in the week there were birthday celebrations - and we got Prince Caspian on dvd! We had a ball watching it. We've now seen it about 4 times in two days. The rest of the gang are out in the living room right now, watching it. . . again! BTW, if you like, you could head over to they're currently running a contest, giving away 5 copies of the special 3-disc edition of Prince Caspian.

Finally, another friend of mine from another forum, Blessed Maidens, mentioned a link to a website that I found very interesting - If you're a long-haired girl like me (I have thick, wavy, [occasionally messy] hair down past my waist!), head over and have a look - there is a blog, and there are some articles written by other long-haired women about caring for long hair. . . a lot of the stuff that they recommend is basically what I've been doing anyway, but I found it edifying and absorbing nonetheless. I often found myself nodding and saying "Yes, that's exactly how I feel about that!" or "I have exactly the same issues with my hair!". . . Looking after long hair is very different than caring for shorter hair - it was nice to read advice and info written by long-haired girls who understand! Also check out some of the great hairstyles - one of these days I'll have to try some of them out on my sisters!
The Editrix
You think you are bad at not posting? Have you seen my blog?
LOL yeah I guess. . . but I'd gotten into the habit of posting every day or so, it didn't feel right to go so long without a post. . .
Haha, well its good cuase I read it!
I've had both the long and short hair (never any shorter than shoulders)... have to say I prefer the shorter :P
Fair enough! Each to his/her own. ;-) I find my long hair just a little irritating sometimes, when it gets in the way. But mostly, I like my long hair. :-)
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