Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hello. . . time for a long-overdue post!! I have been somewhat distracted of late - myself and all seven of my siblings have had a nasty coughing virus for the last few weeks. That is - some of my brothers and sisters have had it for some weeks, I have had it for a few days. We're not sure whether it's whooping cough or not - whatever it is, it's horrible! :-(

I have been doing a lot of reading over the last few days. Yesterday I finished Jane Eyre - it was the first time I had read it. I thought it was wonderful - I enjoyed it very much! Now I think I'll read something a little lighter - some Janette Oke, perhaps - before starting another classic. 

I recently discovered through a friend a fantastic website, which some of you may already be familiar with: BookMooch! It is one of the largest book-swapping websites in the world. I'm still a bit amazed that I hadn't heard of it before - but I'm glad that I have now found it.

Finally, for all you art fans: I stumbled upon this website just this afternoon - The Art Renewal Center. I haven't had a lot of time to look through it, (I only found it half an hour ago! :P )but it looks very fascinating. The ARC is radically anti-modernist, dismissing most 20th century art as inferior, including such revered artists as Picasso, Matisse, and Pollock. Hm! I wouldn't dismiss all modernist art so lightly, but I do admire them - the ARC, I mean - for championing the art of many forgotten 19th century masters. 

That's all for now. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with some more substantial posts during the week to come! *cough cough cough* I'm so sick of coughing. . .  :-(((

Current Mood: Nerdy


Mrs. E said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you are sick! ;(
I'll be praying that you will be feeling better soon!! ;) I'm glad to hear that you are keeping occupied with reading. Have you seen any of the Love Comes Softly movies? I wonder how they compare to the books.....

Miss Jen

The Editrix said...

Thankyou, Miss Jen! *hugs* Oops - no, I can't hug you, I don't want you to get this cough! LOL!

I have seen the first three Love Comes Softly movies. I liked the first one very much. The other two that I saw were very different than the book! They were still nice, though. :-) I'm looking forward to seeing the other 3 movies that have been made so far - hopefully they'll be on tv here before too long! :-)

Laura said...

Hope you feel better SOON!! *hugs*

emme said...

Aww...I hope you're feeling better soon, dear! Nothing like a nasty virus to make you feel utterly and completely *miserable*. ☺

Did you find Jane Eyre scary? I've read so many, many classics but have never yet finished Jane Eyre. My older sister read it and loved it...but as silly as this will sound...I'm a big baby when it comes to anything the least bit scary! ☺ I start conjuring up all sorts of pictures of criminals hiding beneath such likely places as...say, the dining room table. (!!)

Anyway, Sarah wasn't sure if it would be too frightening for me...even though I've watched several film versions over and over again. I'd love to hear your thoughts!


The Editrix said...

Thankyou, Emma and Laura! This particular virus seems to take about 2 weeks to fully develop, and then several more weeks after that to recover. I have only had it for one week, so it would seem I have the worst of it to look forward to. :-( At least I have plenty of good books to read!

Thanks again for your kind wishes! :-)

Emme - to be honest, it didn't really creep me out at all. I had watched 3 film versions, so I knew all the plot details quite well. I found the movies to be scarier than the book! Also, it was broad daylight when I read all the scarier bits - that probably had something to do with it as well. :-)

Wuthering Heights is the one that really spooks me out! Not so much the book as the movies - I always fastforward through the ghost scenes and digging-up-grave [ugh!] scene on WH.