This is a great story with a happy ending. . .
Click here to read.
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The bill that I mentioned earlier is set to be introduced to the Victorian parliament today. Politicians will take a conscience vote on the issue. Read more in this article.
This interview riled me a bit. "Leaving it [abortion] in the criminal code means that somehow when you do this it's wrong … and I think these things should be out in the open and people should not be judged," - going by this, perhaps speeding should be allowed. Of course car accidents kill, but people are going to speed anyway, so why not just make it legal. (!!?) Don't you see the fallibility in this logic? Making something legal doesn't make it right. Thank goodness God, not politicians, decides what's right and what's wrong.
I found this article in the Herald Sun interesting. The writer, Mirko Bagaric, states her case well. If you scroll down the page you'll find some very caustic comments, attacking Bagaric for daring to suggest that a "foetus" is a baby, but there are also quite a few defending her pro-life stance.
Please keep praying about this issue.
I ordered Stacy McDonald's book Raising Maidens of Virtue. I've read a lot about this book, and I was thrilled to finally have it in my hands. I've had a quick browse through it, and it looks like an excellent book.
And Mary Mary's self-titled album. I've listened to it already - and it's fabulous! Try listening to the first four songs of this album without smiling and singing along. . . I dare you! It's wonderful, catchy, contemporary gospel/r&b.
Now, back to my book. . .
Portrait of a Noblewoman (or La Bella) by Titian
I love the golden embroidery on the rich blue fabric - it’s a wonderful effect; very luxurious, but at the same time not over the top. That particular shade of blue interspersed with darker stripes... and it’s complemented beautifully by the ruddy brown colour of the sleeves.
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To read more articles on this subject, click here then click on the link 'Feminine Dress' in the sidebar on the left.
1Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. 2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us. . .
Ephesians 5:1-2 NLT
Photographer Ian Britton, image courtesy of
Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.
James 5:5 NIV
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All of the cast seemed to meld together seamlessly. This is something that the actors talked about in video interviews on the DVD - that those who played the Bennets really did become like a family of sorts during shooting. I know that sounds dreadfully cliche, but watching the onscreen chemistry between all of the actors, one almost has to believe it!
The other thing I wanted to highlight was the 'look' and 'feel' of the film.
The director of P&P'05, Joe Wright, would have been used to working with minuscule budgets and making the most of what he had, so when he was finally given the opportunity to make P&P'05, his first cinematic release, you can imagine what the result was bound to be. Breathtaking, stunningly beautiful scenes rich in detail. The scene of the Ball at the Assembly Rooms near the beginning of the film is a good example of what I'm talking about.
One review at sums it up nicely by likening P&P'95 to a beautifully detailed portrait of the Bennet family and P&P'05 to a dazzlingly colourful impressionist painting, beautiful in it's own right. (For the record, Christianity today also included P&P'05 in it's list of the 10 Most Redeeming Films of 2005. They even put together a Bible study for it!)
You can read some more Christian reviews of Pride and Prejudice here, here, here, here, and here.