Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is late in coming. . .

. . . but the final Caption Contest winner was Grace! Congrats! :-)


Hope said...

Aw I really liked it! I was starting to visit but realized today you quit it. I'm sorry I've never commented before but they aren't movies I watch alot. I've seen them all at one point but I don't watch them alot so I don't know how to make a witty remark. I'm more of a Little Women, old movie classic person with all the classic old actors like Cary Grant and well, after that you get the idea,I'm not a person who watches old books made into movies, (unless of course by Louisa May Alcott, which is how I discovered your site)

Hope said...

I don't know if you got my comment because my screen messed up, remind me it was about the caption contests ;) I'm a fan of you on facebook, Hope is the name :)