Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You know those days when. . .

Autumn Leaves, by Sir John Everett Millais

. . . you seem to be busy all the time, but you don't really feel like you're getting a lot done? These last couple of days have been like that for me. Hence the temporary drought in blog posts hereabouts. Hopefully blogging will be back to normal later this week. I'm not a very organised person (*big understatement*) but I don't like having my routine disrupted. If we're busy in the morning, it means that I'm not able to get much schoolwork done (I usually try to get schoolwork done in the morning. . . ) and my whole day just seems out of whack from then on. . . guitar lessons this morning, homeschool meeting in the park yesterday morning. . .  

Sorry, I'll stop whinging now. I hope you're all having a lovely day! :-)


Current Mood: Moody


Heather said...

I know the feeling!

The Editrix said...

Yeah. . . some days are just like that. :-/